Pink Collection Fundraiser

Good Day and Happy October!

Many of us know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and there is a fellow book lover who is currently on a Breast Cancer journey. In order to support her, Kaylee @LiteraryPengwyns, I have created our Pink Collection Fundraiser. The Pink Collection will launch Friday, October 16th at 8 am EST. For each sleeve purchased from the Pink Collection, $5 will be donated to Kaylee's GoFundMe. 

There are so many ways to support Kaylee outside of order from our Pink Collection! Here are just a few:

- Donate directly to her GoFundMe

- Cheer her on through Bookstagram @LiteraryPengwyns

Kaylee also shares new ways to support her and many others on her Instagram page.

Thank you for being a part of the Grace by Shan community and supporting other book lovers!

With love always,

Shannon Grace